Fall Update - September 2023
Voices of Our Users
To begin our work this year, teachers in the network engaged in Empathy Building to learn about students’ experiences in their math classes and comfort level with engaging in academic discussions.
Teachers conducted observations, 1:1 empathy interviews, and small group interviews to connect with students. They also administered an Academic Discussions Survey to gain further insight into student perceptions.
View the Academic Discussions Data Dashboard here
Where We’ve Been
On September 22nd, all the schools in the network gathered at North High School
During our time together school teams grounded in data from student empathy interviews and the academic discussions survey to identify a challenge(s) elevated by students around discussions in their math classes
Teams then thought critically about a change idea they hypothesize might address this challenge
In collaboration with the Secondary Math department, we shared these Change Idea Kickstarters to support schools as they designed their change idea
Click here to access the participant materials from September 22nd
Where We Are Going
During our current 'Action Period' (Sep 22 - Oct 27) teachers will select or design a change idea focused on Academic Discussions
Teams and individual teachers will document their plans and predictions in their PDSA Notebooks
Teachers will test their idea, document what they observe, and collect data
School teams will meet to debrief, reflect on what they are learning, and decide how they will move forward
Our network will come together on October 27th to reflect on findings from the first testing cycle