October 2023 Network Convening Recap
Where We’ve Been
On October 27th, 2-3 teachers from each network school, including schools’ Facilitation Leads, gathered together at the Tivoli Student Union on MSU’s campus.
During our time together, school teams:
Studied their initial improvement cycle.
Collaborated with other network schools to discuss what they are learning through implementation of their change ideas.
Reflected on the importance of reliability and collecting process data.
Teams created initial plans for how they might adapt change ideas for their next cycle, with a continued focus on supporting students’ engagement in academic discussions in math.
Click here to access the participant materials from October 27th
Agents of Change
During our time together CRoT Director Anthony Sarlo interviewed Camay Hunter, the Facilitation Lead from DCIS. Camay graciously shared what her team has learned through the improvement work they have conducted this year. After examining data gathered from empathy interviews they conducted with students, the team identified the need to focus on normalizing errors with students. This led the team to hypothesize that implementing the ‘Learning from Mistakes’ protocol would support students with risk-taking and engaging in academic discussions in math. The team began implementing the protocol and collecting data to capture their process and reflect on its outcomes. This initial testing suggests that with further refinement Learning from Mistakes holds promise for scaffolding students’ academic discussions at DCIS.
Our Change Ideas
Decide and Defend
Learning from Mistakes
Sentence Stems
Connecting Representations
Chart the Error
Reciprocal Teaching
Robust Tasks
Turn and Explain
Project Based Learning
Where We Are Going
During our current 'Action Period' (Oct 27 - Jan) teams and individual teachers will document their plans and predictions in their PDSA Notebooks
Teachers will test their ideas, document what they observe, and collect data in their PDSA notebooks
School teams will meet to debrief, reflect on what they are learning, and decide how they will move forward
Our network will come together in January to reflect on what they are learning about implementing change ideas and producing academic discussions