Winter 2024 Network Update
Where We’ve Been
Our network gathered together on January 11th and February 16th to discuss what we are learning about engaging Black, Latinx, and MLL students in meaningful academic discussions. Below are the are the goals and focus areas from each of our meetings.
In January we…
Shared and consolidated continuous improvement successes
Grounded in a common understanding and behaviors of ‘Meaningful Academic Discussions’
Oriented ourselves to PDSA notebook updates
Began to plan for our next action period
In February we…
Centered our Black, Latinx, and MLL students throughout our conversations
Engaged in data-driven inquiry
Began to generate and consolidate knowledge about supporting meaningful academic discussions
What We Are Learning
During our February Facilitation Lead meetings, participants shared what they are learning about leading continuous improvement at their school sites. Below are some of the sentiments shared.
Agents of Change
The school design team at Respect Academy has been working over the past year on a protocol called, “Decide & Defend.” It began within one math class, but now has become a part of how school works at their campus.
The video story below allows for an inside peak at how the staff has incorporated this protocol to get students talking in math, English, science, and social studies classes
The design team at Bruce Randolph School has used PDSA cycles to develop their practice with Reciprocal Teaching. In this video, Bruce Randolph's Facilitation Lead, Caitlin Osugi, shares how the team has prioritized time to collaborate and learn from their students to improve their practice.
Bruce Randolph students also share how Reciprocal Teaching allows them to build connections with other students while deepening their mastery of mathematics.
Click here to watch the full video!
Academic Discussions Survey
Network schools recently administered the Academic Discussions Survey for the second time this year. 743 students took the survey in both the fall and winter and had the same teacher for both administrations. Among this group of students, the network is seeing growth, particularly in questions related to students’ sense of belonging (pictured below). We’re currently engaging in knowledge consolidation with schools to better understand what is contributing to these changes.
Where We Are Going
The CRoT team set an internal goal of 100% of our schools running quality PDSA cycles by the end of the 2023-2024 school year
Coaches are working to intentionally support teams each week to help them progress through PDSA cycles
During our current 'Action Period' (Feb 16 - April 19) teams and individual teachers will continue refining and testing their change ideas
School teams will meet to debrief, reflect on what they are learning, and decide how they will move forward
Our final network gathering for the year will be on Friday, April 19th