What Makes a Network Work?

On May 3rd, the College Ready on Track core team brought its Facilitation Leads together to take part in a knowledge management routine designed to support continual problem-solving within our networked improvement community.

Prior to our meeting, Facilitation Leads individually generated insights about those conditions at the individual, team, school, and district levels that enable and hinder their capacity to engage in continuous improvement work at their schools.

Then, during their time together, Facilitation Leads elevated those insights most worthy of sharing with stakeholders, compared their learnings with those of their colleagues, and worked together to co-create knowledge.

What our Facilitation Leads Are Saying

What are we learning that is worthy of elevating to our stakeholders?

An Opportunity for Action

What are some ways we can act on this information?

College Ready on Track Team Actions:

  • Work with schools in the NIC to ensure that teams have a consistent time and space for engaging in the work

  • Support school teams in generating change ideas that are evidence-based and accommodate local needs and circumstances

  • Create stronger partnerships with district teams that align our efforts and leverage our collective expertise

  • Co-create and articulate a clear network vision and goals with stakeholders

  • Create opportunities for network stakeholders to learn about the core principles of design improvement for equity

School Team Actions

  • Continue to advocate for change ideas that fit their contexts and align with school goals

  • Continue to attend network meetings with a learner's mindset

  • Conduct regular empathy interviews with their students

  • Continue to engage in PDSA cycles and regularly collect data to inform their improvement efforts

School Leader Actions

  • Create a master schedule that allows for a regular cadence of team meetings

  • Re-imagine existing improvement routines (DDI, PLC, CIP) through an improvement science lens

  • Create an environment that encourages risk-taking through rapid inquiry cycles, so that teachers can learn fast, fail fast, and improve quickly

  • Understand the "how" and the "why" of the College Ready on Track project and clear the path for the work to happen

District Leader Actions

  • Support school leaders in making sense of how the College Ready on Track project aligns with, informs, and compliments school and district initiatives

  • Seek to understand how the tools, practices, and mindsets of improvement science can be applied to our district's effort to get better at getting better

  • Pursue a networked improvement approach to accelerate learning for Black, Latinx, and MLL students

  • Bring together district teams (CRoT, Math, MLE, etc) to identify shared goals and the align improvement efforts


2023-2024 Network Launch


Spring NIC Update