2024-2025 Network Launch

We are excited about the launch of our 2024-2025 College Ready on Track Network. This year, 13 schools will use continuous improvement methodology to design, test, and implement strategies to improve outcomes and processes in their classrooms and buildings.

Our Network Schools

  • Participating schools are organized into two tracks, an MLE group and a CI group.

  • The MLE group (in partnership with the MLE department) will focus on ‘Creating conditions for MLL student success’.

  • The CI group will focus on ‘Integrating improvement science into existing school systems’ connected to MIS’ and UIPs.

  • On August 6th participating school leaders from both groups gathered at MSU Denver to prepare and plan their improvement efforts and begin to foster shared ownership of our work.

  • MLE group leaders grounded in our working Theory of Improvement, CI methodology and prepared to conduct empathy interviews.

  • CI Group leaders conceptualized the structure and cadence of their improvement group, identified a focus for process improvement at their site, and prepared to conduct empathy interviews.

  • Click here to view the full participant agenda and materials.

Our Theory of Improvement

Where We’re Going

  • Schools are assembling their ‘Design Teams’, a small group of teachers committed to engaging in improvement work over the course of the year.

  • Each Design Team will be led by an Improvement Lead who will be the main point of contact for their site.

  • Design Teams will set up bi-weekly meetings with their CRoT coach to establish a cadence for the year.

  • During the current action period, participating teachers will begin conducting empathy interviews with small groups of students to help them better understand the problems our network aims to solve.

  • The MLE group will meet again at MSU Denver on September 17th to debrief empathy interviews, ground in additional data and research, and begin designing their first change idea.

  • The CI group will reconvene in October to firm up their initial plans.


September: MLE Network Meeting


Spring 2024 Recap